Welcome to Vasanthi's Auricular Therapy
Experience the healing power of ear acupuncture with our expert practitioners. At Vasanthi's Ear Acupuncture, we specialize in providing personalized and effective ear acupuncture treatments to help you achieve optimal health and well-being. Our serene and comfortable environment ensures that you receive the best care possible. We are dedicated to using safe, natural, and effective methods to promote healing and balance in the body. You’ve probably heard of traditional acupuncture, which uses needles to stimulate points throughout your body. But there’s another type of acupuncture that focuses exclusively on your ears. It’s called auricular acupuncture. This is a type of auricular therapy, which addresses the root cause of problems, has zero side effects, and permanently reverses ailments. Read on to learn more about the health issues auricular therapy can help with and how to try it.